Project Info

Location: Iqaluit, Nunavut

Lead: QBDC


  • Cultural revitalization
  • Language Preservation
  • Display and promote over 140,000 artifacts currently warehoused outside Nunavut

Project Description

Nunavut is the only jurisdiction in Canada without a designated heritage space to present the shared history and promote the shared culture of its residents. Article 33 of the Nunavut Agreement identifies the urgent need to promote, protect and preserve in its many forms, the natural and cultural heritage in Nunavut.

QC, through its subsidiary QBDC, has been supporting Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., Inuit Heritage Trust, and the Qikiqtani Inuit Association to advance a Nunavut Heritage Centre in Nunavut’s capital, Iqaluit.

The Centre would be a territorial and national catalyst for preserving Inuit language, strengthening elder and youth connections, presenting opportunities for Inuit economic development, and showcasing our history and culture. The Nunavut Heritage Centre will preserve and celebrate Inuit history and inspire the new generation of Inuit youth through programming that includes on-site and outreach education programs and career development, and would act as a catalyst for incubation of cultural industries, related to tourism and small business opportunities.

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